The onus of supporting organisations like yours through the ISO Certification process is left to reliable consultancy companies like paragonqms
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Business Sales Manager
An ISO 9001 quality management system is a systematic and process driven approach to managing your business. It is designed to support the company in ensuring you meet the needs of your customers, whilst delivering a consistent level of quality and satisfaction.
Associate Network
Partners( Franchise)
The ISO 22000 family of International Standards addresses food safety management.
The consequences of unsafe food can be serious and ISO’s food safety management standards help organizations identify and control food safety hazards.
Freelance ISO Standards Consultants
An ISO 14001 environmental management system is a systematic and process driven approach to controlling those aspects of your business that have a significant impact on the environment.
Trainee ISO Consultants
A BS 18001 health and safety management system is a systematic and process driven approach to controlling and monitoring risks that can arise from the company’s day to day activities.
ISO Systems Documentation Developer
An ISO 27001 information security management system is a systematic and pro-active approach to effectively manage risks to the security of your company’s confidential information.
ISO 50001:2011
Using energy efficiently helps organizations save money as well as helping to conserve resources and tackle climate change. ISO 50001 supports organizations in all sectors to use energy more efficiently, through the development of an energy management system (EnMS).