If you're thinking of implementing ISO standard(s) within your organisation, why not talk to us or attend any of our monthly ISO foundation & Internal Auditor courses
This series of interactive training workshops & training courses will provide you and your team with a better knowledge and understanding of the requirement's of your desired ISO Management Standard(s).
Start the process by clicking the button to reserve your place on one of our interactive training sessions .
ISO 9001:2015, ISO4001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 Standards.
Management systems upgrade.
Paragonqms provide support to organisations looking to upgrade existing standards to the 2015 & 2018 versions .
ISO Standards Implementation
& Certification Services
Our team of specialist sector specific consultants/IRCA auditors will support your organisations through the process.
GDPR & Cyber Essentials Compliance Consultancy Support.
Companies across Europe are preparing for the New EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which comes into effect from May 2018.
Is your organisation compliant?
The Specialist ISO Management Systems Development,Implementation, Auditing & Training Consultancy
paragonqms is a leading ISO Management Standards solutions provider with expertise in the successful Design, Development, Implementation, Training and Auditing of ISO Standards series amongst other international benchmarking standards.
paragonqms provides a hub that allows you to tap into resources and expertise to make the effectiveness of your business processes a viable proposition.
The Auditors and Consultants we utilise have acquired years of meaningful experience and are experts in their respective sectors.